
What are Your Languages?

Are your languages tools for building up your other hard skills?

Or are they means of hearing more about stuff that has already interested you?

Or means of getting other people to do as you say?

Or ways of getting into and keeping in useful gangs?

Or of seeing alternative truths about the world?

How many languages do you really want?

Which ones?

Business Analects

Rare indeed is the successful lone entrepreneur; most successful business people have got a partner.

The wise business person simplifies needs, specifies wants and seeks specialist help.

Many sell services; the few who thrive are cheap, reliable or local.

Having a recognised qualification never hurts.

More of the same is no good.

Two heads are better than one.

It is wise to know your neighbours.

No journey can be finished unless it is started.

Patience, Please!

In Renovation

Learning an additional language cannot be idle; it has got to be intentional, and it is going to take time. However, it will be worthwhile. Oh, and please do not compare your performance unfavourably with that of impressively fluent “parrots” who may speak appropriately but with very little understanding of what they are saying!



We are not yet in the best place, but we do not have to stay where we are. A change is always for the better, and we have all been changed already, but no-one changes themself, and changes are not continuous, but happen in the fullness of time, at turning points, in crises. We cannot force change, but we can embrace opportunities, and let them take us to better places. Are you ready to embrace your next opportunity?